Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Imagine My Surprise...

Feeling a little thirsty Roger and I decided to go to a small bar near the hotel and have a few beers.  Imagine my surprise when we walked in and saw an alien...not just any alien but my sisters Uncle Tripp!!!

It was like OUT of THIS WORLD, imagine me being 3,000 miles from home, walk into a bar and see Uncle Tripp.  A friendly face changes everything, all at once I was not homesick any longer.

Luckily he was getting off soon and we could hang out and toss down a few cold ones.

Roger wanted him to play some darts but he was a little scared, those darts look like they could deflate your ego...if you know what I mean.

Talk about a hustler, Uncle Tripp is a pool shark, he ran the table!

We pretty much had the bar to ourselves, Tripp wanted to try his hand at DJ'ing.  He was a natural spinning those discs, Vanilla Ice "Ice Ice Baby", Nellie "Air Force Ones" and more than I can remember.

All things must come to an end, when it was time to go to our rooms Tripp picked out a movie to watch, check out the title....Space Cowboys!

I'll never forget what Tripp said when he saw me...

Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, Tommy walks into mine.  Play it, Sam. Play As Time Goes By

    TJ in Holland



  1. Boy! Sounds like you were at the right bar at the right time.

  2. Imagine my surprise!! We haven’t been keeping much in contact lately but I didn’t know he was in the Netherlands. I am so glad that you have connected. I hope you left him a big tip, you know how expensive it is to travel, and Tripp’s loves to travel.


  3. Wow !! Uncle Tripp is so cute . I can imagine your surprise and you've described it perfectly . You never know what it who you'll find in your travels afar ! 😀 safe travels !
    Donna Gunter
