Friday, October 19, 2018

Tel Aviv, Haifa, Akko and Nazareth

Our adventure continues as we arrive in Israel.  Arriving in the middle of the night is never the best way to start in a new country and this was no exception.  We didn’t get much sleep because the room was very hot, they had to bring in a portable air conditioner, the room didn’t cool down until mid day.

The view of the Mediterranean and the beach from our room was very nice.  It’s just a short walk across the street and your find yourself on a beautiful, clean, sandy beach it’s the nicest beach I have ever been on.  One of the things that made it so nice is it isn’t crowded, plenty of room to walk, swim and relax.

We are not very adventurous eaters but we were able to find a lot of food we liked, burgers, schnitzel and chicken.

As I said before, the view from the room was great, even the sunset was beautiful.

We went to the old part of Tel AvivJaffa, it is an ancient port city in Israel. While we were in Jaffa we went to the Mahane Yehuda Market.  If you have never gone to a Souq or open air market in a Middle Eastern country you are missing a great experience.  Some markets are better than others but they each have their on "flavor.  Walking through the market your senses are overwhelmed with the sights and sounds.  The sights are all the different shops and the merchants beckoning you to look at their wares as well as seeing tourists from all over the world.

The smells are of incense and spices.  Many merchants burn incense trying to get your attention. Walking through the Souq you will usually find several open air spice shops.  The spices are stacked high in bins or large opened bags, their aromas wafting through the air.

Walking around town we often saw young men wearing flip flops, short pants and tank tops and they were carrying M-16s.  While it didn't alarm me, I was curious about it.  As most of us know Military service is mandatory in Israel. What I didn't know is that all soldiers, when on leave, have to take their weapon with them.

After being picked up at our hotel by our Israeli guide, Eyal, we were driven to Haifa, the third largest city in Israel. The city is a major seaport and the center of Israeli oil importation and refining.

The Baha’i gardens are part of the Baha'i World Center located in Haifa. The Baha'i Faith is a relatively new religion started in 1863 teaching the essential worth of all religions and the unity and equality of all people.

The Baha'i gardens consist of 19 different terraced levels on the side of Mount Carmel, they are beautiful.

The old city of Akko, also known as Acre, was a ancient fortified city on the Mediterranean Sea. It was the capital city of the Crusaders in the Holy Land for many years.

The Knights Hall in Akko was one of the most interesting sites for me. There was a secret passage which allowed the Crusaders to bring food and supplies into the city from the sea.  In Israel and other Middle Eastern countries the Knights Templar have left a lasting impression to this day. The old city walls still stand. On the Mediterranean Sea side, they sometimes provide a diving platform for young people to dive into the sea. Some of the ruins that are in the sea serve as a place for fishermen to sit as they wait for fish to take home. Things that are extraordinary and ancient to us are everyday items that serve modern day needs to the people of Akko.

Nazareth was Mary’s home in the Galilee

In Nazareth we saw the Basilica of the Annunciation, the site where Mary was told by the Angel Gabriel she was to bear the son of God.

         TJ & EA in

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