Thursday, July 5, 2018

Another Adventure Begins

Once again our hero TJ strikes out on another adventure, this time to the Netherlands, Rotterdam to be exact.  I have been to 29 countries and nothing ever prepares me for deplaning in a foreign city, being tossed out to fend for yourself starts a chain of events I have learned to dread.  How to get a taxi, which ones are real and which ones are scammers.  What about public transportation, how do you get a ticket, how long is it good for, do you validate by the track or on train?  Where are we going to get groceries, what about laundry?  Even though most of the Dutch speak English and are very helpful, most of the signage is in Dutch so it can present a challenge driving places.  Figuring out the best roads to work, what are the traffic patterns where can you get breakfast at 6am, all these things need to be answered and quickly.When I was younger it was easier, I guess I need to just tell myself ...piece of cake, your only 35, you can do it!

Most people think travelling is just one fun day after another fun day, I'm here to tell you taking a bus tour or a cruise is nothing like stepping off a plane with no guide or travel agency arranging the details, OK, OK, rant over!

The Hague is where we had to go to get my Dutch Social Security number.  About a 45 minute drive from Rotterdam it was a good trip I enjoyed looking at the countryside.This is the inside of their city hall where we filled out the paperwork and after a short wait had the Dutch Social Security number.

There were quite a few pieces of art work around the building.  I only took a few pictures, I wish I would have taken more.  Some of the pieces are difficult for me to understand or identify what they are.

There was a picturesque church around the corner, I didn't get a very good picture but you can still tell it was interesting.  I will definitely be back on a off day and see more of this delightful city.

There were three of us from Houston that came over together to the Netherlands.  I have worked with both of these guys before so we knew each other. They gave the three of us a rent car, it is pretty small, I twist my knee every time I get into the back seat.  We are supposed to get a bigger car any day, that will bring a smile to my face.

Rotterdam is the largest port in Europe.  I think of it as a working mans city, it doesn't get the attention Amsterdam does but it may be as nice or even better.  The towns, streets and other names are very hard for me to pronounce, I get very flustered trying to say these names/places...OK, pull out Google maps and look at the names yourself, try a few...see I was right! Vondelingenplaat, Vrijenburg, and Spijkenisse to name a few.  Spijkenisse is the area where we are staying.  The Carlton Oasis is the hotel where we reside.

And another thing, the Dutch like most European country don't understand what Air Conditioning means.  In America it means cold air blows out a one or more vents in your room making the temperature drop to a comfortable temperature.  In Europe it means air, maybe warmer that the outside air, waifs through one small vent heating up your room to the point you will spend the whole evening in the bar drowning yourself in cold beer, true fact!

It's been a very busy few days, I need to get more rest so I need to sign off for now...more to come!


  1. Sounds like you have been busy. Keep blogging to keep us informed.
    Love ya Sue

  2. Keep missing updated while you're over there.
