Sunday, July 22, 2018

The Hague

After a hour trip on the Metro I found myself in The Hague.  It's the third largest city in the Netherlands.  It seemed like a mixture of old and new architecture, tall modern buildings mixed in with old small shops.  The streets were narrow and bustling with people.  Sidewalk cafes abound making it easy to sit and enjoy a beer or two while watching the people walk by.  There are a lot of canals/waterways crisscrossing the city along with flags and flowers making it very picturesque.

The Hague is the home of the Dutch Government, the International Court of Justice and where the Royal Family reside.

Here is a link to a You Tube video it is a little long (too long, 28 min) but it has a lot of information about the city and it's attractions.

This is The Inner Circle - The Knights Hall.  It is a courtyard in the middle of the Royal Residence where large ceremonies are held, things like Royal weddings and Military parades.

I'm not exactly sure what I expected to see or find in The Hague but it was not what I expected.  I envisioned a older city steeped with historical buildings.  I expected it to be a slow paced old world city and from what I saw it is a fast paced shopping center.  I will have to go back after I read some more and find all the jewels the city has to offer.

TJ in Holland

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